Category: GEMA, GEMA Externship

Title:Hear About The GEMA Externship Program From Our 2020 Externs

Pictured: NY externs on the set of CNBC’s Fast Money to meet Hoya alums Guy Adami (B’86) and Tim Seymour (B’88).

Lydia McMahon (C’20): “The GEMA externship was curated well to my individual interests, so I was able to meet one-on-one with established alumni in the industry, and gain advice tailored to my own career goals and trajectory. GEMA also provided a unique learning experience in which I could broaden my understanding of the entertainment industry through first-hand experiences. even in the few months since graduation, my GEMA connections (with both alumni and fellow externs) have proved to be a very helpful and meaningful network.”

Cady Stanton (C’20): “The mix of professionals in my area of interest was so helpful. I met with industry veterans as well as individuals not that much older than me. The veterans were helpful for reflection and for getting a finger on the pulse of the industry, but I honestly got the most out of my meetings with the younger professionals for their experiences getting their foot in the door in recent years and how they made it in the industry. For example, one alum and I had a great conversation on the use of social media for marketing yourself and your brand and leveraging it into career opportunities and networking. GEMA provided me with opportunities to obtain honest answers to questions I had about the media industry and my own career path.”

Crimson Duckett (M’20): “I attended the GEMA Externship program in LA. Due to me being the only graduate student within this class of externs, Matt McMahon created a special schedule tailored specifically towards my career interest. I am immensely thankful for the opportunity to meet so many people from many different organizations. I was able to develop deeper networking and career connections for my next opportunity.”

Olivia Jimenez (C’20): “The GEMA externship provides students the opportunity to meet with industry professionals who also happen to be Georgetown alums. Because there are a limited number of externs, a lot of time and dedication is spent on pairing people up with specific alums who are deeply involved in your future career interest. The entertainment industry can be fairly elusive. It’s difficult to understand how it operates from the outside, and there are so many moving pieces that it’s hard to research on your own. The externship clarifies the process tremendously, as I was able to talk to professionals who shared my interests and goals but who also had a firm understanding of what those interests truly entail career-wise.

My experience was absolutely wonderful. The networking opportunities granted were beyond what I could have ever imagined when I signed up. I now understand how vast our alumnae network really is, especially in a field that didn’t seem all that prevalent on campus. Because of our connections as hoyas and our similar interests, I was able to connect with these mentors on a deeper level, and everyone really cared about offering personal and sound advice. Before this experience, I had little direction and an even smaller understanding of what my career might look like. The externship made my goals tangible, while also providing great connections along the way.”

Edited by Cady Stanton (C ’20)