Category: GEMA, GEMA Alumni Spotlight

Title:GEMA Alumni Spotlight – Dominique Shelton (L’91), Intellectual Property Law Partner at Wildman Harrold

Dominique Shelton is a partner in the Intellectual Property department of Wildman Harrold’s Los Angeles office. Her practice focuses on complex commercial litigation with a particular concentration in the areas of unfair competition, intellectual property and antitrust.

Shelton has represented Fortune 500 companies, start up ventures, and privately held companies in litigation involving the advertising, technology, entertainment and software industries. She also counsels clients regarding legal compliance for Web 3.0 marketing, behavioral advertising, social networking websites, user-generated content, and digital advertising.

Can you briefly describe your current position?
I am a Partner in the Intellectual Property Department of Wildman Harrold. I handle cases pertaining to intellectual property, digital marketing, behavioral/targeted advertising, mobile marketing, and user generated content among other issues.

What was your first “big break”? Or, what is the most significant experience you have had that has made your success possible?
There have been numerous experiences that have helped shape my career. The ability to help clients address their toughest and most interesting legal problems has always been – and continues to be – rewarding.

What is the most challenging part of your job? What is the most rewarding part?
The most challenging part of my practice is what makes it the most rewarding – the legal issues arising from innovations in technology, software and digital marketing. Many of these issues are matters of first impression that are just making their way through the courts now. Anticipating and addressing developments in this space requires special attention to regulatory updates, technology, industry best practices and self-regulatory principles.

What is a current project you are working on that you are excited about?
I am currently handling cases regarding behavioral/targeted marketing. This is the practice of serving advertising to users based upon their online activities. It is an interesting area involving competing –and often conflicting interests. Targeted advertising has been identified as the most beneficial for advertisers and lucrative for web sites, but it raises consumer privacy issues that require special attention.

Are there any ways that you feel Georgetown especially prepared you for your career?
Georgetown has a global perspective that has been particularly beneficial for dealing with intellectual property and digital issues. These areas of law require knowledge of domestic and international trends.

What is your best advice to those who are starting out in your field?
Find what interests you, continue to learn, and stay involved

How is the digital world affecting your industry? How are you approaching this transformational change?
Today all industries are being transformed by digital innovations. Fortune 500 companies, leading arts institutions, health care facilities, and others are actively exploring ways to reach out to the public through online and mobile platforms.

How are you approaching this transformational change?
(1) By reading about digital developments on a daily basis, (2) regularly reviewing cases and regulatory updates (3) attending conferences; and (4) speaking and writing about these topics regularly.

Best Business Advice Received:
“Cases are won in your office, they are just played out in the court room.”

Trait You Most Admire in People: Dedication.

Favorite iPhone/iPad/Blackberry/Android App: iPhone

Favorite Georgetown Professor: Prof. Anita Allen

Favorite Georgetown Restaurant or Bar: Lauriol Plaza (I know it is in Dupont Circle – not Georgetown!)

Favorite Georgetown Memory: Working with Father Drinan, as a Notes Editor on the Georgetown Journal of Legal Ethics.