Category: GEMA, GEMA Alumni Spotlight

Title:GEMA Alumni Spotlight – Andy Kim (B’93), Chief Financial Officer at The Weinstein Group

Andy Kim joined The Weinstein Company, a film and multi-media company founded by brothers Bob and Harvey Weinstein, at its inception on October 1, 2005. As Chief Financial Officer, he oversees all financial and strategic planning and analysis for The Weinstein Company. Responsibilities include planning and budgeting, financial analysis, business and corporate development, investor relations and financial reporting.

What was your first “big break”? Or, what is the most significant experience you have had that has made your success possible?
My “big break” into the film industry came via luck – responding to an internet job posting. So for those of you searching out there, there is hope! That being said, Hollywood is very much a ‘who you know’ community so it is very important to make connections and build relationships, which is why an organization like GEMA is so beneficial for the Georgetown community.

What is the most challenging part of your job? What is the most rewarding part?
Working for ‘indie’ studios for all of my entertainment career (Miramax prior to my current company), the environment and culture is certainly different on many levels than a major studio. One major difference is smaller size and resources, which adds multiple tasks and duties to my day-to-day job which perhaps might be shared at a larger company. You have to be able to work efficiently and rapidly and always be prepared to deal with fire drills. But that same challenge also makes it incredibly rewarding in terms of the breadth of experience and the opportunities presented to me. My work day is never dull and often exciting.

What is a current project you are working on that you are excited about?
I just helped complete a major financial restructuring which positions the company well for the future where we can be focused on doing what we do best, making great and entertaining film and television product.

Are there any ways that you feel Georgetown especially prepared you for your career?
Three ways stand out to me. Academically of course, the undergraduate business program certainly provided a great foundation for my career. My undergraduate work as a writer and editor for student newspaper The Hoya taught me about organization, deadlines, and working under pressure. Finally the great diversity of the Georgetown community certainly helped prepare me for dealing with the many outsized personalities you can encounter in Hollywood.

What is your best advice to those who are starting out in your field?
When you’re having a hard day, always keep things in perspective. Business is business, don’t take it personally.

How is the digital world affecting your industry? How are you approaching this transformational change?
Physical media i.e. DVD is certainly in decline in the film business, and it remains to be seen if digital sales will help offset this lost revenue. We are constantly evaluating different avenues of distribution.

Best Business Advice Received:
Surround yourself with intelligent people.

Trait You Most Admire in People:

Favorite iPhone/iPad/Blackberry/Android App:
Blackberry Messenger

Favorite Georgetown Professor:
Michael Collins

Favorite Georgetown Restaurant or Bar:
Third Edition

Favorite Georgetown Memory:
Basketball road trips