Category: GEMA, GEMA Event

Title:GEMA’s 11th Annual Alumni Career Panel

By Anne Marie DiNardo (G ’00)

On October 17, 2012, in partnership with the Cawley Career Education Center and Alumni Career Services, GEMA brought together Georgetown alumni in the entertainment professions in business, law, sports, media and content development to the Georgetown campus for the 11th annual GEMA Entertainment & Media Career Panel. The panelists discussed their careers, answered questions and offered tips on how to break into their respective industries for the audience of undergraduate, Law School and MBA students.

Panelists were:

  • Mark Miano (C’89, G’90), Executive Producer, NBC Learn
  • Claire Magee (L’09), Assistant General Counsel of Allbritton Communications Company and Assistant VP and Assistant General Counsel of POLITICO
  • Ryan Costello (C’01), CEO and Co-Founder, Event Farm
  • Jennifer Oh (FLL’95), Mobile Product Manager, NPR
  • Katherine Boyle (C’08), Reporter, Style section, The Washington Post
  • Moderated by: Jody Arlington (C’93), PR Manager, SILVERDOCS and Co-Founder of the Impact Arts + Film Fund

The panelists each began by sharing their professional stories with the audience, and then the group began to discuss their career paths. Mark Miano discussed how he took some time off after college to go back home to write mysteries before setting on a career in news. Katherine Boyle discussed taking a job as a nanny overseas to support her efforts to build up her news reporting portfolio since it was easier to get her stories published outside the United States.

The panelists commented that having a working knowledge of technology such as mobile apps and social media, and developing multiple skills to leverage when applying for jobs are important assets. Ryan Costello told students to “trust their gut” by trying different opportunities and trusting your instincts in terms of what job feels right. He took a lobbying job based on the advice of a contact which ended up not being his dream job. He ultimately decided to pursue a career in event planning after helping with a fundraiser for a charity and realized that was where he can showcase his talents and entrepreneurial spirit. Costello cautioned students to hone their communications skills by effectively and accurately portraying both their skills and passion in their resumes.

To add to the job seeking tips, Claire Magee recommended that students have stories to tell about their experiences at the interview that distinguishes them from the other candidates as well as demonstrates their skills.” Jennifer Oh pointed out that when she interviews applicants she asks what type of media they consume. “If they are not consuming the right media, then it means that they are not really into the position.”

Katherine Boyle encouraged students to not feel pressured to choose jobs that their friends are going for or jobs that they are expected to pursue having attended Georgetown. “Don’t be afraid to not have a job and wait to find one that is right for you.” Ryan Costello commented that Georgetown is well-respected in the field and that graduates from Georgetown stand out as job applicants. He emphasized the importance of leveraging the alumni network and getting involved in alumni activities after graduation.