Category: GEMA, GEMA Event

Title:DC Shorts Film Outing and Networking Event with Actor/Writer Christopher Wood (C’89)

Join members of the Georgetown Entertainment Media Alliance (GEMA) and Georgetown University Alumni Association, as well as representatives from the Georgetown Film and Media Studies program, for an outing on Saturday, September 12 to the DC Shorts Film Festival!

The evening will start with a networking session at 8:00 PM at the Hamilton (600 14th St Nw, Washington, DC), after which guests will walk over to the E. Street Cinema to see the night’s Festival offerings. Doors open at 9:45 PM and the show begins at 10:00 PM.

Actor and writer Christopher Wood (C’89) will join us before the show to discuss the premier of his short film, “Her First Black Guy,” at the DC Shorts Festival. The film also stars Hoya Christopher Williams (C’89), and tells the story of a handsome professional who is afraid that his date will be shallow. Read interview with Christopher.

Register at and get tickets here. Please direct all day-of logistical questions to the event organizer at