Category: Alumni Authors

Title:No Place Like Home: Wealth, Community and the Politics of Home-ownership

Author: Brian McCabe (F'07)
Date Published: July 6, 2016

No Place Like Home: Wealth, Community and the Politics of Home-ownership book cover
A thorough analysis of the politics of homeownership, No Place Like Home prompts readers to reconsider the power of homeownership to strengthen citizenship and build better communities. As owning a home has emerged as the most important way to build wealth in the United States, it has also reshaped the way citizens become involved in their communities. Rather than engaging as public-spirited stewards of civic life, McCabe demonstrates that homeowners often engage in their communities as a way to protect their property values. This involvement contributes to the politics of exclusion, and prevents particular citizens from gaining access to high-opportunity neighborhoods, thereby reinforcing patterns of residential segregation.

Oxford University Press (2016)

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