Class Ambassador Program

Georgetown University’s class ambassadors strengthen alumni connectivity through ongoing class-based engagement and fundraising activities. If you are interested in getting more involved with your class, consider joining the Class Ambassador Program (CAP), please use this site as a resource or contact us with any questions.

About CAP

Class ambassadors’ peer-to-peer outreach has an enormous impact on class connectivity, event attendance, and giving participation. There is no substitute for the relationships ambassadors foster between fellow Hoyas and the Hilltop.

What are Class Ambassadors expected to do?

Ambassador activities include encouraging classmates to support Georgetown through philanthropy, connecting with classmates through peer to peer outreach, planning or hosting class events, and sending class communications.

Why are Class Ambassadors important?

Class Ambassadors are the foundation of the alumni community. The recent endeavors of our Class Ambassadors have significantly increased alumni connections, which has led to a higher donor participation rate and overall a stronger sense of community among fellow Hoyas. We see this reflected in overall increased engagement with Reunion Weekend, class events, and class-based communications. This is the one vehicle where Hoyas get news and information about their class. Ambassadors tailor news and information which is specifically of interest to their class.

How do I become a Class Ambassador?

If you are interested in getting involved or have questions, please fill out this short form or email and a staff liaison will follow up with you.

Upcoming Events

January 25
Barnes Foundation
January 25
Bearded Iris Brewing (Germantown)

Class Ambassador Roles and Responsibilities

  • Roles

    Class Ambassadors strengthen alumni connections by meaningfully engaging classmates with one another and with Georgetown. Ambassador activities include encouraging classmates to support Georgetown philanthropically, planning or hosting class events, and sending class communications.

    Staff Liaisons are the point people for classmate contact information, strategy, and planning. They support individual classes on all event, fundraising, communication, and programmatic needs, and work alongside class leaders to drive class activity and engagement.

  • Responsibilities

    Engage: As a class ambassador, you will help keep your classmates connected to Georgetown and to each other through communications and events. Responsibilities may include helping compose and send class communications, recruiting classmates to serve as ambassadors, posting to class social media outlets, and planning and hosting events such as regional class meetings and parties, Reunion Weekend engagements, and other signature Georgetown events.

    Fundraise: Class support for Georgetown has a significant impact on scholarships, academic programming, and other designated university needs. Working with staff liaisons, class ambassadors plan and participate in periodic outreach campaigns to encourage giving to Georgetown. Ambassadors conduct peer-to-peer gift solicitations to support annual giving and work to increase Georgetown’s undergraduate giving percentage. Your class may choose to fundraise around one or more rally points including: Homecoming, Reunion, calendar and fiscal year end, class scholarship funds, and other special challenges.

    Steward: Class ambassadors also help ensure classmates are properly recognized for their generosity to Georgetown by thanking classmates for their annual gifts and recognizing major gifts from classmates.

  • Committee Structure and Leadership

    Within their class committees, ambassadors may serve in a variety of roles. Each class typically has an executive committee, composed of class chairs and subcommittee chairs including class events, communications, and fundraising. Contact your staff liaison to learn more about your class committee structure.

Join the Conversation

Check in on your class year to see what fellow grads are up to, find out about class events and prepare for your class reunion.

Contact Us

Click below to find contact information for your Class Liaison from Class Programs and Reunion Campaigns (CPRC) team.