Club of Germany

Welcome to our Regional Club page. You can find class events, image galleries, and important contact information here.

The Georgetown Alumni Club of Germany serves as the bridge between Georgetown University keeping alumni, faculty, parents, and friends connected to the heart of the Hilltop. We are a chartered club of the Georgetown University Alumni Association (GUAA) and we are managed and operated entirely by alumni volunteers.

About the Club of Germany

After a longer period of hibernation, the Club of Germany was officially re-established September 2011 in Kronberg/Taunus by a group of Georgetown alumni.  The club is registered with the Register of Associations of the local court of Frankfurt am Main, and recognized as a nonprofit (gemeinnütziger Verein) in accordance with German law. The club acts with the full recognition and support from Georgetown University’s Alumni Association as its official presence in Germany.

Our purpose is to build a platform in Germany that connects Georgetown graduates from all faculties and that helps to sustain the relationship between Georgetown and its German-based alumni in both academic and social realms.  We organize alumni events to enrich our intellectual and professional lives and to provide ongoing ties to the University and to represent Georgetown’s values of excellence and community in Germany.

The Club is lead by its Executive Committee (Vorstand) under the presidency of Jürgen A. Heilbock and advised by an Advisory Committee (Beirat) under the aegis of Indra Spiecker. We would like to encourage you to get involved and become a member of the Georgetown Club of Germany and are looking forward to meeting you at one of our next events!

On a long term basis, the Club has set itself the goal to grant a scholarship to talented German students in order to help finance their studies at Georgetown.

Georgetown Scholarships in Germany

Georgetown University Law Center grants two half-tuition scholarships per year for its LL.M. program to students of the German National Academic Foundation (Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes).  Applications are made to the GULC admissions office, which selects the recipients in the course of the ordinary admissions process.

Club of Germany awarded 2014 Emerging Club of the Year!

We are delighted to announce that the Georgetown Club of Germany was selected as the Alumni Association’s emerging club of the year. The Alumni Association bestowed this honor on us due to “the tenacity and creativity of that the club has demonstrated in creating thoughtful, high quality programs with broad appeal.” We would like to take this opportunity to thank all Hoyas who have helped to rebuild the Club of Germany since late 2011 and who continue to make our Club a success and a valuable part of Georgetown’s Alumni Association.

The Georgetown Alumni Club of Germany is a volunteer-driven organization. We welcome the participation of all alumni from every school. To contact us, please email

There are no upcoming events for this club.


  • Club Officers

    Jürgen Heilbock, LL.M.’97

    Vice President
    Benjamin Joppich, LL.M.’10

    Benjamin Schmidt LL.M.’10

  • Standing Committees

    Benjamin Schmidt, LL.M.’10
    Communications Chairs

    Ann Marie Welker, I’90
    Events Chair

Contact Us

The Georgetown Alumni Club of Germany is a volunteer-driven organization. We welcome the participation of all alumni from every school. To contact us, please email or any of the officers.