Class of 1978

Welcome to our Class Page. Here you’ll find class events, image galleries, and important contact information.

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It’s been so long since last we met! You can check here on your classmates and friends, learn what fellow alumni are doing in their personal and professional lives, and view upcoming University-wide and class events.

Post Alumni Takeover Game Happy Hour – February 8th 

Join your fellow Class of 1978 alumni at the annual Alumni Takeover Game on Saturday, Feb 8th. After the game, join the Classes of 1976, 1977, and 1978 for our annual post-game happy hour at the Irish Channel Restaurant & Pub (500 H St. NW, Washington, DC 20001).  RSVP for the event through this Google Form. We hope to see you there!

Class Committee

  • Committee Members

    Stephen H. Smith, Class Co-Chair (C’78)
    Kathleen E. Kennedy, Class Co-Chair (B’78)
    Fran Buckley (N’78)
    Emily Christian (C’78)
    Robert D’Emilio (I’78)
    Maren Connell Dinsmore (N’78)
    Judy Donahue (F’78)
    John Ernst (F’78)
    Susan Woolum Ginsberg (C’78)
    Susan Tiger Huitt (F’78)
    Paul Kaplun (B’78, L’84)
    Kathleen Kennedy (B’78)
    Rom Poplawski (B’78)
    Anne Simmons-Benton (F’78)
    Steve Smith (C’78)
    Sally Sobon Wilson (N’78)

Find Hoyas from This Class

  • In Memoriam List

    Georgetown mourns the loss of its sons and daughters. On this page we pay homage to fellow Hoyas who have passed away.

    If you notice a classmate is missing from the list, or if you would like to notify us of a classmate who has recently passed away, please email

    If you would like to submit a personal message, you may also submit a Class Note request.(link is external) All information will be verified by Georgetown University before your note is published.

    One of our classmates, Frances “Misty” Dailey was lost to us during our Senior year, but she is remembered by family and fellow Hoyas every year.  The Class of 1978 senior gift was made in her memory, and that gift has grown into a fund that now supports the annual Misty Dailey Fine Arts Awards.  The gift was a wonderful gesture on the part of the class and has become a benefit to hundreds of Georgetown students.

    Mr. Timothy C. Biggs (F’78)

    Gary Stanford Blass (C’78)

    Ms. Teresa McCue Blickman (F’78)

    Mr. William Joseph Boyd (F’78)

    Mr. Michael A. Bradley (F’78)

    Mr. Chris C. Brown (C’78)

    Mr. John Justin Callebaut (I’78)

    Mr. William B. Cargill (F’78)

    Mr. William L. Chiantella (C’78)

    Ms. Sally Ann Chicotel (B’78)

    Mr. George T. Coller (C’78)

    Cathy A. Conboy Ph.D. (C’78)

    Alicia Maria Conill M.D. (C’78, MS’79, M’83)

    Mr. Thomas Charles Curtin (C’78)

    Ms. Frances L. Dailey (C’78)

    Michael Joseph Daly M.D. (C’78, MS’79, M’83)

    Mrs. Caroline K. Davis (B’78)

    Ms. Nelda Davis (NHS’78)

    Ms. Denise D. Del Priore (C’78)

    Mr. Craig Edward Demeter (C’78)

    Mr. Michael Charles Duke (C’78, L’81)

    Mr. Lawrence R. Dunne (C’78)

    Mr. Martin C. Elliott (NHS’78)

    Mr. Richard C. Ferlauto (C’78)

    Mrs. Daria Meagher Filippelli (C’78)

    Mr. Corbin D. Fletcher Jr. (B’78)

    Mr. Henry J. Fortunato (F’78)

    Ms. Maureen Scott Godwin (B’78)

    Mr. Thomas A. Grimes (I’78)

    Mark A. Hayes M.D. (C’78)

    Ms. Lenore A. Hinckley (C’78)

    Ms. Petra Fried Hoeschele (I’78)

    Mr. Douglas T. Huffman (C’78)

    Ms. Patricia A. Kavanagh (C’78)

    Mrs. Karen A. Kelly (B’78)

    Mr. Douglas J. Kirkpatrick (C’78)

    Mr. Michael Kranzler (F’78)

    Ms. Carol M. LeClair (C’78, S’91)

    Mr. Gerald Samuel Levis (C’78)

    Mr. William Lacy Mahon (C’78)

    Mr. Asbed O. Marashian (F’78)

    Mrs. Donetta G. Marconi (I’78)

    Mrs. Monique L. Marcus (B’78)

    Mrs. Wendy A. Matson (B’78)

    Mr. Richard H. Mazza (B’78)

    Mr. Robert J. McCormack (B’78)

    Mr. Paul Vincent McGhan (I’78)

    Ms. Moira McGuiness (B’78)

    Mr. Stephen A. McNabb (C’78)

    Ms. Mary Medved SNJM (C’78)

    Mrs. Susan Michaelson (F’78)

    Mr. Douglas M. Monroe (C’78)

    Mrs. Catherine Reilly Morency (NHS’78)

    Ms. Leslie Ann Moushey (F’78)

    Ms. Mary Jane Nero (B’78)

    Ms. Alma R. Noll (NHS’78)

    Ms. Mary Huger Noone (C’78)

    Richard P. O’Brien M.D. (C’78, M’82)

    Mrs. Denise M. O’Donnell-Day (B’78)

    Mr. Mike A. Ortega (F’78, MA’82)

    Mr. Roberto Pelleya (C’78)

    Mr. David J. Puhlick (I’78)

    Ms. Michelle Maria Rice (NHS’78)

    Mr. Christopher D. Ringwald (F’78)

    Mr. Michael C.P. Ryan (F’78)

    Ms. Judith Ann Ryan-Johnson (NHS’78)

    Mr. Russell W. Scianna (F’78)

    Mr. Robert Lawrence Segal (C’78)

    Ms. Linda Dale Shafarman (F’78)

    Mrs. Margaret Driscoll Sharkey (C’78)

    Mr. Andrew F. Sibre (C’78)

    Ms. S. Sinnammal (F’78)

    Mr. Frederick J. Slowick Jr. (F’78)

    Mrs. Cynthia A. Srisuwan (I’78)

    Mr. Gordon P. Stoddard (C’78, L’85)

    Mr. Andrew Tarnell (C’78)

    Ms. Kristin R. Taurchini (I’78)

    Ms. Linda Thompson (NHS’78)

    Mr. Gary Joseph Toth (C’78)

    Mr. Frank L. Turgeon Jr. (B’78)

    Ms. Barbara E. Weide (I’78)

    Mr. Joel Alan Williams (B’78)

    Mr. Anthony Zayden (B’78)

  • Lost List

    We’ve lost touch with some of our classmates and we’d love to reconnect with. View the Lost List and let us know if you have any information or update to help us reach out to and track down our Hoya friends by emailing

    Mr. Stuart K. Fleischmann
    Ms. Bryna S. Starobin
    Mrs. Margaret Lamb Illson
    Mr. John Illson
    Ms. Mary Anne Giles
    Mr. Michael A. Nardolilli
    Mrs. Pamela G. Nardolilli
    Mr. Robert C. Treuhold
    Mr. Ted Sudol
    Mrs. Carol B. Webster
    Mr. Michael Smith
    Mrs. Elizabeth F. Kellett
    Mr. John M. Herman
    Mr. Donald M. Sheehan
    Mr. Christopher J. Scholz
    Peter J. Plantes M.D.
    Ms. Rita Ann Koegel
    Mrs. Stephanie R. Devins
    Ms. M. Heather Reynolds-Young
    Mr. Mark W. Mulvaney
    Ms. Pamela Leary Goldie-Morrison
    Ms. Cynthia Kocjancic Iorfido
    Mr. Richard J. Chema
    Ms. Danielle Marie Poux
    Mrs. Colleen C. Karsner
    Mr. Daniel R. Winschel
    Ms. A. Carroll Bull
    Mrs. Mary F. McManus
    Ms. Lindsay Mary Wright
    Ms. Kay Stagaman Napier
    Mr. Harold H. Broker
    Prof. James F. Garvey
    Ms. Alice M. Kelly
    Mr. Jeffrey Schlesinger
    Mr. Brian D. Weese
    Ms. Emily A. Canelo
    Ms. Sheila McTighe
    Frederick M. Biggs
    Ms. Denise Jeanette Ellis

Contact Us

Our class needs you! We are currently seeking volunteers for events, communications, and fundraising.

Email to join the class committee.