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Justice Served

Georgetown now offers full-time credits classes at the D.C. Jail. It's just one of the ways the Prisons and Justice Initiative is making an impact on mass incarceration in America. Read More

prisoner talking in seminar room

Achieving Dreams in Global Health

Asked what advice she'd give a Georgetown undergraduate student, Pamela Hoyt-Hudson (NHS'86) says, “Define your dream. Know where you want to go. Never give up.” Read More

Pamela Hoyt-Hudson

Forty Years of Fighting for the Underdog

When Douglass Seidman (F'72) was thinking about college, he considered four vocations. One was archeology— he was already spending weekends laboriously translating Egyptian hieroglyphics at New York's Metropolitan Museum of Art. He also thought of being a teacher, like his parents. And with his love of travel and learning different languages, the Foreign Service seemed like a good idea. His mother also suggested a career in law. Read More

Douglass Seidman

Hoyas Give Baxa Puts Service Ideals to Work

It's April 28, one of the first spring-like Saturday mornings in New York City this year. Riverside Park, a four-mile-long strip of green that hugs the Hudson River on Manhattan's Upper West Side, is bursting with runners, bikers, and strollers. Read More